2 minute read



So…this is my first blog post and if you read this now, I’m really glad you’re here. This is my data playground and I’m going to talk about data, business intelligence, data science, machine learning, big data and all this cool great stuff everyone talks about. I’m just another person with an opinion, but hopefully i’ll defend it with some data. As this is my first post I’ll tell you just a little about me.

About me

Working with data and talking for all this kind of stuff, really delights me. I try to be into as much as possible components of data analytics, from data engineering to data visualization. I really enjoy returning value to the business, enabling data mindsets, help people think of data, share best practices and in general everything that helps people optimize the way they work with data. We are also organising Athens Tableau User Group meetups with the rest of the team, inviting enthousiastic speakers, having the opportunity to connect with other data rockstars like you either in person or online.

1st in person Athens Tableau User Group Meetup


So I started content sharing on LinkedIn and then really liked the idea of creating a blog. I didn’t know which is the best option to start, the goal was to communicate my thoughts. This data playground aims to become a place where I can share my thoughts and opinions, interesting implementations and tips. The idea is to cover topics related with the Business Intelligence stack from a tech perspective and talk about:

  • BI Tools
  • SQL
  • Python/R
  • Cloud

plus anything that matters when it comes to interact with data such as:

  • Effective communication
  • Storytelling
  • Business understanding

It would be nice reaching out to me with any topics and ideas you feel is meaningful to write about.


Some good news is that it turns out that starting a blog is much easier than you think. The website is created with Jekyll using minimal mistakes theme where you can transform your plain text into static websites and blogs. I used Github Pages which hosts it directly from the GitHub repository. Like Github Pages mentions

Just edit, push, and the changes are live.

It was cool and easy to modify the code, understand the logic behind Jekyll, setup Algolia, setup Netlify for search, setup Google Analytics, deploy it to Github Pages and finally go live. It also made me to practice HTML and CSS since my Masters. I suppose it’s the perfect opportinity to get more familiar with SEO, tags, and front end in general. The website repo is public.

Follow me on LinkedIn, where I already share some content. Some of it will be archived here soon. Hope to like it and keep in touch!


